20 Reasons Why You Need a Chemical and Toxic Metal Cleanse

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Every day, we are bombarded with chemicals that can have a negative effect on our health. This can include the development of cancer, as well as many other diseases. Below I list twenty reasons why everyone should consider detoxing their...

An open floor room. Performing toxic metal cleanse can help decrease the risk of getting sick.

What Are the Benefits of Organic Dandelion Leaf?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Nutrition Facts Benefits How to Grow Recipe Supplementation Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) is the unassuming powerhouse of herbal medicine. Often mischaracterized as a weed, dandelion (the leaf in particular) is packed with beneficial nutrients that allow it to make substantial, positive...

Organic dandelion leaf is loaded with antioxidants that support heart health.

Gallstones: Symptoms and Natural Remedies

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Some 10-15% of adults in the U.S. experience the pain of gallstones. [1] In fact, it's a digestive concern that sends more people to the hospital each year than any other. And, unfortunately, the rate of gallstone attacks has been...

A jar of lemon juice. Pain in the upper right side of the abdomen is just one of the symptoms of gallstones.

The Gallbladder and Gallstones

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Development Composition Statistics Symptoms Herbs Cleansing In the United States, gallstones affect at least 20 million people per year. [1] While it's possible to have gallstones and not know it, severe cases can lead to rupturing of the gallbladder and...

Turmeric helps with gallbladder issues.

How to Flush the Liver

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

To understand liver cleansing, it's necessary to understand the function of the liver is to process toxins. If a liver running at 60% efficiency is leaving 40% of toxins unprocessed to accumulate in and float around, what effect do you...

A cup of tea. To do a liver flush, try to consume organics foods and supplements. Process foods are harmful to the body.

Improving Gallbladder Function with Natural Support

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Your gallbladder plays a big role when it comes to healthy digestion. Perhaps someone close to you has undergone a cholecystectomy - a surgery to have his/her gallbladder removed. While it is possible to live without the small organ after...

Man experiencing discomfort in his gallbladder

Gallbladder Concerns: Disease, Symptoms & Natural Remedies

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

When it comes to helping with digestion, the liver and gallbladder work closely. While the liver makes the bile necessary to break down fats into fatty acids, the gallbladder (located beneath the liver) stores that bile until it's needed in...

Dandelion root is a great natural remedy for gallbladder problems.

The Health Benefits of Omega 3, 6, 9 Fatty Acids and EPA & DHA

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Omega-3 Benefits Omega-6 Benefits Omega-9 Benefits You've probably heard the terms "fatty acid" and "omega 3" before, but do you know what a fatty acid is or why your body needs it? What about the different types of fatty acids,...

One of the many benefits of Omega 3 is that it can help support digestive difficulties.

Study: Alcohol Associated With Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Most people are aware of the adverse health effects drinking too much alcohol can have on the body and mind. Over consumption can damage the liver, the stomach, and lead to excess weight gain. It has also been connected to...

Study: Alcohol Associated With Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth

6 Benefits of Liver Cleansing

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

Your liver is responsible for processing toxins in the body, so you’ll want to keep it working at its best. Sometimes, though, diet or lifestyle can catch up to you. If that happens, a liver cleanse becomes necessary. With a...

A glass of liver cleansing juice. Many people ignore liver cleansing, but there are some benefits linked with the practice.

Evidence Mounts on Roundup's Link to Liver and Kidney Damage

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

One of the world's most popular herbicide – Roundup – is making its way back into the headlines in regards to its health and environmental effects. Monsanto, the producer of Roundup (glyphosate), claims this herbicide is safe; however, study after...


What Are the Health Benefits of Dandelion Root?

By Dr. Edward Group, DC |

You may consider dandelion as a type of weed, but its root has a long history of therapeutic use. Dandelion has been used since ancient times for its healthful properties and support for liver complaints.[1] In Korean herbal medicine dandelion...

A pile of dandelion root. This root long speculated to have antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective properties.