Foot Detox: Know the Facts, Top Benefits, and Recipes
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Detox Defined Benefits Does It Work? Ways to do a Detox Side Effects When you think about detoxing, you probably think about detox diets, colon cleansing, or fasting. But, in recent years, detoxing through the feet has gained popularity. Proponents...

Is Goat's Milk Better Than Cow's Milk? Here's a List of Health Benefits
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
While cow's milk remains one of America's most common daily drinks, it is interesting to note that it may also be the reason why many Americans experience gas, bloating, and other forms of indigestion. When you consider the average cow...

5 Factors That Affect Vitamin D Status
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
One of the leading nutrients on the forefront of scientific research is vitamin D. Also called the sunshine vitamin, vitamin D is important for immune system support, blood sugar health, and energy. [1] [2] A deficiency in this essential micronutrient...

5 Surprising Facts About Durian
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
With its onion-custard flavor and an odor that resembles rotten gym socks, the durian fruit is perhaps the most notorious fruit of all. While supermarkets are slowly beginning to offer more internationally popular fruits, durian has yet to reach mainstream...

What is Na R-Lipoic acid?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
When it comes to health, there are some powerful molecules that remain relatively unknown by the general population. Alpha-lipoic acid is just one of these important molecules, acting as an antioxidant and playing an integral role in cellular energy metabolism....

12 Incredible Pomegranate Benefits
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Pomegranates have exploded in popularity in recent years and it’s due to their ever-growing list of amazing health benefits. Rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin E, magnesium, potassium, and antioxidants, pomegranates defend against free radicals, soothe irritated tissue,...

Nascent Iodine in Vegetable Glycerin vs. Nascent Iodine in Alcohol
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
There's been much discussion lately regarding the best form of nascent iodine – glycerin based or alcohol based? Because it’s not practical or safe to simply consume pure iodine in its elemental form, it needs to be stabilized into an...

The Effects of Toxic Metals
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Many ordinary, everyday products have toxic metals in them. Toxic metals are in the foods we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. The human body requires extremely trace amounts of a few metals, but too often...

Juicing RAW Cannabis - Eating RAW Cannabis?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
There's no shortage of controversy surrounding the use of medical marijuana. Despite the copious amount of scientifically-backed data gathered over decades, if not centuries [1], which show that cannabis has tremendous therapeutic potential, many lawmakers remain hesitant to approve its...

The Weight Loss Benefits of Hoodia Gordonii
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Hoodia gordonii is a succulent plant native to South Africa and Asia where indigenous populations have traditionally used it, most notably the Khoi-San, as an appetite and thirst suppressant during long hunting expeditions into harsh environments. These appetite-suppressing qualities of...

Fasting for Weight Loss
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Fasting is a great way to begin a new fitness or weight loss program. Reducing or, really, eliminating food and beverages that contribute to weight gain will help to kick-start your efforts and has the added benefit of body detoxification...

The Health Benefits of Parsley
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Most people are familiar with parsley as a food garnish that's used as a mere decoration and usually discarded. But, did you know that when it comes to herbs that promote superior body cleansing, parsley is one that’s high on...