Brittle Nails: Top Causes & Natural Remedies That Work
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Signs Causes Natural Remedies Precautions Having brittle nails that easily break, chip, and split is a common irritation for many people. Although brittle nails are painful and can affect day-to-day activities, fragile nails are usually just a cosmetic concern caused...

Tea Tree Oil: Benefits, Uses, & Side Effects
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
From antiseptic mouthwash to natural deodorant, tea tree oil is an essential oil with a multitude of uses and benefits. It tends to be pale yellow or colorless, with an aroma that is similar to eucalyptus or camphor and boasts...

Activated Charcoal: 15 Benefits & Uses for Health and Wellness
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Activated charcoal is a hot topic in health and wellness these days, gaining recognition as a powerhouse agent for detoxification with a wide range of potential uses. We see activated charcoal in everything from facial masks and teeth whiteners to...

Natural Mosquito Repellent: A Safe Bug Spray That Really Works
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Summer is prime time for enjoying the outdoors. But more often than not, there's a dark cloud hanging over that backyard barbecue: bugs – and especially mosquitoes. These blood-seeking fun busters expertly follow their senses right to your skin. But...

Foot Detox: Know the Facts, Top Benefits, and Recipes
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Detox Defined Benefits Does It Work? Ways to do a Detox Side Effects When you think about detoxing, you probably think about detox diets, colon cleansing, or fasting. But, in recent years, detoxing through the feet has gained popularity. Proponents...

Epsom Salt: 10 Benefits for the Bath and Other Uses
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
How it Works Benefits Side Effects Epsom salt is a potent mineral compound comprised of magnesium and sulfate. It is widely used to relieve many minor health issues. Soaking in a bath with Epsom salt can relieve achy feet and...

6 Health Benefits of Bentonite Clay
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Benefits How to Use Precautions For centuries, cultures the world over have turned to ancient clays like bentonite for therapeutic purposes ranging from healing rashes and bug bites to drawing out poisons and promoting digestive health. Fast-forward to the twenty-first...

Why Is Natural Skin Care Better?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Skin is your body’s largest organ and your protective barrier. However, that doesn’t mean it’s impervious or impenetrable. You should be aware of what you’re exposing it to. If you put dangerous ingredients on your skin, they get into your...

Is Plastic Surgery Going Organic?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
The following article was written by my good friend, Dr. Richard DeAndrea, MD, ND. He’s the Medical Information Director of LifeSci Center and Medical Director of The Good Life. His work places him at the forefront of the exciting advances...

Do You Know These 5 Skin Facts?
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Day in and day out, your skin is exposed to harmful toxins. Because of that, you want to protect it. And just in case you aren’t as careful with skin care as you should be, I want to share these...

The Secrets to Healthy Hair, Skin, and Nails
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Frustrated with lackluster hair, dry skin, and brittle nails? You are not alone. There is a multi-billion dollar cosmetics industry built on your hopes and dreams of shiny hair, strong nails, and supple, hydrated skin. But do the potions and...

10 Natural Remedies for Athlete's Foot
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection that usually thrives in warm, damp places. The fungus, Tinea pedis, grows between the toes, on top of the feet, on toenails and between the fingers. White patches, scaly patches, and redness are all...