Dry Skin? Check Out These Quick Tips
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Dry, itchy, chapped, cracked skin... all of these things irritate your skin's already sensitive nature. Dry skin is typically worse in the winter, when low humidity and extreme cold combine to rob even more moisture away from the skin. Wind,...

10 Ways to Get Rid of Cellulite
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Cellulite is ripply fat around the buttocks and upper legs and it has affected women since the beginning of time, but seems to be more persistent these days. Let's take a look at what's causing it and what you can...

What Is Bee Propolis? 10 Great Uses
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Most people are familiar with the gorgeous yellow and amber colors typical of honeycomb and beeswax. But another bee-produced substance exists and it doesn't get discussed quite as much – propolis. Propolis is a resinous material that bees use to...

The Health Benefits of Jasmine Sambac
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Jasmine sambac has been known for its abundant health benefits and medicinal uses for thousands of years. Although native to Southeast Asia, this flowering evergreen has been used by people around the world. The ancient Egyptians and Greeks used extracted...

Health Benefits of Pascalite Clay
By Dr. Edward Group, DC |
Discovered in the early 1930’s in the remote Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming, Pascalite Clay is a calcium bentonite white clay. Chemical analysis of Pascalite Clay confirm it contains: silicon, iron, calcium, magnesium, titanium, sodium, chromium, copper, manganese, barium, cobalt,...